Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Realistic Mind

It stops you flying through red lights; it tells you you're wrong.
It tells you you're not really alone, and laughs at your imagination.
It puts food on your table and holes in your dreams.
It helps you deal with shit that hasn't yet happened, and shit that has.
It tells you you forgot something very important. It tells you you don't need anyone.

So keep dreaming.
You'll always be right, and driving horribly.
You'll have wonderful times on your own.
You'll be eating noodles, but dreaming a feast.
You're head will kill you with 'should have's and 'could have's.
You'll realise the most important thing is who you are, and you'll need someone to share it with.

1 comment:

  1. wow that's deep and philosophical for 7am! :)
    Realistic mind's food for thought.
    When you go to a restaurant, you look at the menu, right?
    But the menu isn't the food, you can't eat it, it only REPRESENTS the food that is on offer.
    The mind is much the same, it is the "MAP", YOUR map, YOUR perception, your own personal gathering of information and interpretation of what is "real"...
    BUT is the map the territory, is the map you hold in your hands actually the ground you stand on? No, it is a representation of it!

    Now this thinking liberates me...
    "REAL" therefore doesn't exist!..."realistic" is ANYTHING!
    Now when a situation occurs I can completely control my "reality" , "is this really the territory or simply my map". Dreams will never have holes, shit that has happened can have new important meaning and learnings, and noodles have a much greater purpose! :)
